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Below are photos mostly from the Ohio areas of Rayland, Martins Ferry, Stubenville and Yorkville. John Peter and Johanna (Anne) Schuller Motto later moved to Detroit, Michigan.



1. Adeline & Jim Motto

2. Adeline Motto & Joe Jr. 

3. Adeline Motto and unknown man.

4. Adeline Motto

5. Adeline Motto

6. Adeline Motto

7. Left to right: Adeline Motto, John Motto, Theresa Rose Motto, Joe Jr.

8. Carmella Arena Motto, wife of Joseph Motto

9. Rear: Johanna (Anna)Schuller Motto, Carmella Arena Motto

Second row: Rose Motto, William Motto

Front row: Unknown, Adeline Motto, Unknown


10. Emilio Motto

11. Kati Ratti Motto, Emilio's wife.

12. Adeline Motto & Tony Mottola

13. Kathrine Motto & Mike Faren

14. Wedding Katherine Motto & Mike Faren

15. Frank Motto 19 months, one of twins. Son of Joseph Motto and Carmella Arena Motto.

16. John Peter Motto & Johanna Schuller Motto's wedding photo. Marriage date 22 Sept 1922.

17. John Peter Motto & Johanna Schuller Motto at Helen Motto Govan's wedding

18. John Peter Motto as a young man.

19. John Motto working in the coal mines in Ohio. He is in the back row to the left, dark clothing, with a cigarette in his mouth.

20. John Peter Motto playing the accordian. He is the man the furthest back in the photo.

21. John Peter Motto working at the Detroit Street Railways in Detroit Michigan.

22. Detroit Street Railway workers.

23. LtoR: Unknown, John Peter Motto. 

24. John Peter Motto 3rd man back along bar. John owned or co-owned this bar named the Shoemaker-Montdan Tavern.

25. Postcard from Sylvester Jacik to John Motto.


26. Sylvester Jacik first row second from the right.

27. LtoR: John Motto, Adeline Motto, Pasquale Motto

28. John Motto 1961.


29. Joseph Motto, Carmella Arena Motto, August Leoni



30. Joseph and Carmella Motto's duplex in Yorkville, Ohio

31. Mary Motto left, unknown friend.. Mary died from Spanish flu.

32. Motto family.

33. James Motto in uniform.

34. James Motto, 1961. 

35. Transcription: Members of Rayland (Ohio) A. C. Football  Team which played during the 1921-22 season are identified in the bottom row as Sam Motto, Vince Orban, Raymond Herelein, Peck Wilson, Roy Herdman, Tim Graham. Identified in the middle row, far right is Alex Graham. Tom row, fro left is Steese, Joe Vince, Zachey, Jimmy Jobe, Stullenberg, Frency Arnold, Applegarth, Pasco Motto, joe Merzi, manager.

36. Sam Motto

37. Sam Motto playing baseball.

38. Mary Bennett Motto, wife of Sam Motto

39. Mary Bennett Motto, wife of Sam Motto.

40. LtoR: Mary & Helen Motto

41. LtoR: Helen & Mary Motto in dresses. 

42. LtoR: Mary Motto, Angela Marie Acito Mottola, Helen Motto,

unknown boy, Rose Motto


43. L to R: Mary Motto, Virginia Rund, Helen Motto

44. LtoR: Unknown, Mary Motto

45. LtoR: Mary Motto, Unknown, Helen Motto, Mary Mottola

46. Helen Motto on beach.

47. Helen Motto

48. Celenti, Rocco & Fannie. Helen Mottos godparents. John & Anna Motto took them into their house on St. Jean in Detroit, Michigan. The Celenti's lived in the attic. 

49. Helen Motto and unknown friend

50. LtoR: Theresa Rose Motto, Helen Motto, Adeline Motto

51. Motto brothers and sisters. Rear: Pasquale, Emilio; Center: Theresa Rose, John Peter, Adeline; Front: James, Anthony

52. William Leoni, son of August Leoni and Theresa Rose Motto

53. LtoR: William Leoni and Jim Motto

54.LtoR: Theresa Rose Motto Leoni Sutak, Johanna (Anna) Schuller Motto

55. Theresa Rose Motto Leoni Sutak

56. Mary and Helen Motto


57. Mary Motto

58. Mary Motto portrait young girl.

59. Mary Motto portrait.

60. Mary Motto

61. Mary Motto

62. Mary Motto in Mary Mottola's wedding party

63. Mary Motto

64. Mary Motto in front of Ohio River.

65. Mary Motto center. Vinecliff Golf course Tiltonsville, Ohio.


66. Mary Motto in Tiltonsville, Oh. Wheeling Steel Corp barge in background.

67. Mary Motto in Rayland Ohio.

68. Mary Motto and cousins at vine Cliff Golf course.

69. LtoR: Merle Cornelius, Evelyn St. Louis Cornelius, Johanna Schuller Motto

70. Mary Motto center, Tiltonsville, Oh.

71. LtoR: Minnie Govan, freida Govan, Helen Motto Govan, Anne Schuller Motto.


72. Mary Mottola in striped dress.

73. Pasquale Motto and Mary Mottola.

74. Mary Mottola graduation picture.

75. Mary Mottola, portrait. 

76. Mary Mottola wedding to Norman Troast.

77. Wedding Norman Troast and Mary Mottola

Mary Motto 2nd from left


78. Pasquale and Angela Marie Mottola family. They were cousins from the same town, Altavilla Silentina, in Italy.

LtoR: Prodelmo, Carmen, Mary, Angela Marie, Julio, Pasquale, John, Anthony. 


79. Wedding: Norman Troast and Mary Mottola

Mary Motto on left.

80. Dan Acito 2nd from left. Brother to Angela Marie Acito.


81. Wedding of Anthony Mottola. Sister Mary Mottola is next to bride on right.

82. Pasquale Mottola. Hit by street car in Detroit on Nov 3, 1929.


83. LtoR: Unknown, Anthony Mottola

84. LtoR: Anthony Mottola, unknown.


85. Anthony Mottola

86. Julio Mottola

87. LtoR: Pasco Motto, Adelines best friend, Adeline Motto, Joe Parrog

88. LtoR: Joe Parrog, Adeline Motto Parrog, unknown women.